10 conditions for successful conclusion of the transaction
Anastasia Belyakova
Founder of Promark World Russia, Managing Partner at Add One Touch | The Experience Building Company, Anastasia has been selling consulting services for more than 20 years: as a sales manager, head of sales and contact center, head of an independent business unit and business owner..
The client likes your offer
No matter what anyone says, no matter how difficult the choice is for the client, the criterion "like" - "dislike" remains one of the most important. Especially for D (red) and I (yellow) types of clients.
The client trusts you and believes in the usefulness of your offer
If you have built a trusting relationship with a client, this is half the battle. People buy primarily from people, and only in the most extreme cases can they buy something from a person they don't trust. As a rule, these are some forced conditions that are a priori doomed.
The client has a need for your service
And the need is so strong that he is willing to pay for it. How well are you at identifying a customer's need?
The client can use the results of your services
The services are intangible. If the goods can be bought in advance, then the services are not. The client will be ready to sign a contract with you only when he can start using your services. If the tasks to be solved are not a priority, the decision will be made indefinitely.
The client can afford it
Yes, yes! If there is no financial possibility - there will be no transaction, no matter how wonderful sales you are, and no matter how much time you invest in working out this client.
The client knows what he is deciding on
Do you know the difference between a good doctor and a not-so-good one? The first tells what and why will happen next. When selling, be like a good doctor, help the client, especially type S (green) and C (blue) feel comfortable.
Sales is determined and confident
What's more, good sales even bluff a bit sometimes. Decisiveness is an indispensable distinguishing feature when working with any type of disc client, but it is worth being less assertive when it comes to the S-client.
Sales brings the case to an end
In managing the process, a good salesman is not afraid to hear a rejection and will never say "well, you should contact me if anything." He always reserves the last word, guides the process and delicately guides the client to the next stage.
"No" is not a reason not to try again
At a different time, with a different proposal. Better yet, use "no" as a basis for development. Why were you refused? What can be improved to be a "yes"? Maybe not with this particular customer, but with this segment?
Sales knows how to be silent
The "technique of probing" is the lot of weak sales. You need to be able to ask the right questions and wait for answers. This is especially important with disc type C and S clients.
online course of Anastasia Belyakova
start May 24, 2021
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