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The selection of adequate employees is a well-calibratedP-by-step Hiring Technology, which allows you to hire exactly those who you need, who will become an excellent member of the team, will work with pleasure, as the work itself and your company will suit it in all respects. You will no longer waste time "on the wrong" employees, break up during or after the probationary period because you "did not work out", and forget about turnover.
- takes into account the tasks, functionality and priorities in the work of the employee, so as not to forget anything
- attracts the right candidates through properly designed vacancy announcements
- helps to take into account both professional and personal characteristics of the candidate
- makes the probationary period a period of withdrawal to efficiency
- helps the employee to quickly join the team
- takes into account the personal behavioral characteristics necessary for success in work
Sometimes you make a mistake in the selection of personnel
and spend a lot of time and energy to eliminate the consequences of mistakes in the selection of personnel.
You can check the professional qualities of the candidate, but not the personal ones
... and what if you hire a specialist in a field in which you understand little or nothing at all?
Do not know how to formulate your expectations and requirements for candidates
Job descriptions do not exist or they are outdated, and writing a vacancy announcement takes a lot of time: you are afraid of missing something important.
Sometimes you are not sure of the correctness of your choice
Every hire for you is a "pig in a poke", you are never sure that the chosen candidate is really good.
Don't understand how to conduct interviews
You haven't learned how to conduct interviews and ask questions on a resume, ask about experience and skills, but don't know how to dig deeper to better understand a candidate.
You don't have enough probationary period to figure out if a new employee is good.
You do not understand how to quickly bring an employee to efficiency and monitor his work.
You will gain knowledge and skills that you will use for a lifetime
Clearly understand the sequence of steps and options for action at each step. Now you definitely will not miss anything!
Learn how to create job postings that are answered by the candidates you need
Learn to identify key areas of responsibility, functions and priorities for any position in order to formulate a portrait of the ideal employee for a particular job.
Learn to create a job profile that will become the basis for the job description, adaptation of the employee and evaluation of the results of his work.
Learn how to prepare and conduct interviews in such a way as to identify the personal characteristics of the candidate and see the candidate "through" if he wants to present himself in a more favorable light.
Learn how to bring an employee to efficiency during the probationary period.
Mentor for managers, personal business coach for teams
Business Coach, Current HRD
Managing Partner at Promark World and Add One Touch / The Experience Building Company, author and curator of the BALANCIADA project, a certified specialist in the field of interpretation of behavior and motivators and an accredited partner TTI SI, Anastasia helps managers to develop leadership competencies.
Managing Partner of Amalgam's Management and Development Consulting Practice, an active HRD, a certified specialist in the field of behavior interpretation and motivators, an accredited partner of TTISI, Oksana helps companies to implement successful HR management practices.
Formation of positive and negative behavioral indicators for the assessed competencies
Ideal requirements profile and rating scale
Motivating factors according to Sprangler
Guide to competencies on the example of the competencies of a sales manager
15:00 –17:30
Types and styles of interviews
Structured interview
"Blind Spots" in interviews
Empathic and active listening
Development of attention switching skills and stress resistance
- Access to all intensive materials for 90 days - Access to the video recording of the intensive for 90 days - Profile template for any post post - Instructions for filling out the profile of the position - Life hacks for interviews - 25 core competencies for developing a competency model - Checklist for adaptation/onboarding of the employee
WAIT! Since you are here, we believe the topic is interesting for you.
Come to a free webinar on March 10, 2022, where Anastasia Belyakova and Oksana Andreeva will talk about typical hiring mistakes and more about the intensive, which will take place on March 15-16.
HR-community, for those who need to be aware of trends and communicate with like-minded people. There are already 10,000 of us and we want to push the boundaries of HR.
Click to order
Pay for the intensive
SELECTION OF ADEQUATE EMPLOYEES Online Intensive for Executives
15-16 March 2022
Special price until 10.03.2022
Pay for participation
In our time of information accessibility, not only structured knowledge, but acquired skills become especially valuable. I want to thank Anastasia Belyakova for the skills gained at her training. I am not a beginner in selection, for many years, as a manager, I collected from scratch and rebuilt accounting and financial departments, compiled vacancies, conducted interviews, but at the seminar I took a different look at the selection. I was particularly impressed by the work of the "expert commission" on the formation of the candidate's profile. We, the participants, discussed the requirements for the vacancy as prospective future colleagues, and saw how the initial profile is transformed, how the areas of responsibility are clearly manifested, the tasks and priorities change and it becomes clear what kind of person the company is waiting for. I recommend this training to both beginners and experienced managers
Anastasia, thank you! The program has great practical value for the interaction of Managers and HR-s of any kind of companies, as it gives a single systematic approach, a simple and clear roadmap and a universal toolkit that allows to eliminate as much as possible sometimes significant costs from errors in determining unique criteria in the selection of any categories of specialists and their effective adaptation.
« ... We most often post vacancies on HH, there are a lot of responses, but if you discard all those who respond indiscriminately to everything, it is very difficult to choose among the candidates those who will suit us.
Now I clearly understand what criteria to select, what to pay attention to in the first place.
Thank you!!!! ..."
Elena Pochapskaya
DD agency, owner
«... HR always asks us to write who I need so they can help with the selection.
And it's always a headache, because no matter how I write, it's rare that I'm offered the right candidates... Now everything has become much clearer to me, both in terms of interaction with HR, and even for myself. Now I know how to formulate my expectations and select really those who I need. »