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I'm glad to share a list of 10 books that impressed me. I believe that for a leader and an owner of a business these books are mandatory to read. The list can change and something can be added :-)

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Anastasia Beliakova

Anastasia Belyakova
Mentor, mentor for managers,
business coach, MBA, CPBA, CPMA
TOP 10 Books for business owners and executives
Choice of Anastasia Belyakova
  • 1
    YOU OR CHAOS. Alexander Fridman
    I recommend this book specifically to those who feel that they can not keep "an order" in business, are always busy with the operating system and do not know how to break out of this vicious cycle.
  • 2
    SINCERE SERVICE. Maxim Nedyakin
    The subtitle of this book is "How to Motivate Employees to Do More Than Enough for a Client". The book is full of inspiring examples of both Russian and foreign companies. Unlike many "Western" books of this kind, which are full of motivational statements, the author offers quite specific solutions that he came up with and that work.
  • 3
    WHY SMART EXECUTIVES FAIL. Sidney Finkelstein
    The book is not new at all - I have an edition published in 2005, and since then, of course, there have been many, many more mistakes, and some companies have become just history. However, the factors that the author of the book systematized are relevant now.
  • 4
    THE RULES OF MANAGEMENT. Richard Templar
    A very easy book to read. 100 rules, and each takes no more than 2 pages. I don't know how to keep all 100 in your head, but something will definitely stick to you and make you ponder.
  • 5
    MONEYBALL. Richard Lewis
    There is a film based on this book, called "The Man Who Changed Everything", so instead of reading you can enjoy the acting of Brad Pitt, Philip Hoffman and Robin Wright. The book and the film were really popular in America a few years ago, and "moneyball" has become a verb and a designation for the approach to business, when you find a radically different way to do what everyone does in some established way.
  • 6
    About manipulation, as between people, as with oneself. It's amazing how we are sometimes "deceived by joy" without knowing that these are just mental traps that we create for ourselves and support.
  • 7
    GOAL-FREE LIVING. Stephen Shapiro
    If you are an over-achiever who always strives somewhere, setting for yourself higher goals each time, this book is for you. As a minimum, you will learn how you can live differently, as a maximum - you will get rid of the feeling of a constant race. This book is a good way to "leave yourself alone." I hope I intrigued you )))
  • 8
    This book allows to take a look at the non-obvious aspects of leadership, something that is not usually talked about: internal processes of a company, the influence of an individual on the management of the company, the implementation of changes and resistance.
  • 9
    Although there is a lot of "water" in this book, I recommend it to those who sometimes feel like they do not know how to say "no", or often become an object of other people's manipulations and attacks, as well as to those who feel dependent on external assessments.
  • 10
    STEVE JOBS. Walter Isaacson
    This book once again does not leave my list of personal favourites. Although the book is a biography of an undoubtedly great person, in my opinion, it is interesting to have a deeper reading and understanding of how exactly Jobs did what he did, and what you can learn and memorise for yourself .
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